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NGC2237 is an emission nebula located in the constellation of Monoceros in a distance of 5100 light years. The open cluster NGC2244 is located in the center of the nebula. The nebula is ionized by the brightest star of this cluster. Some dark globules can be seen in the nebula, which are known as star forming regions.
Datum/Date: 09./10.01.2024 / January 9th + 10th, 2024 Optik / Scope: 94mm Triplet apochromatic Astrograph f/4.4 with 2” 1:10 Crayford focusser Sensor/CCD: ASI294MC Pro @ -15°C Autoguiding: AIS290Mini @ 60/240 Guidescope Belichtung/Exposure: 240x60“ VIS, 77x300“ Ha+OIII , total integration time= 10h 25min Workflow: Pix Insight, Photoshop CC
The Universe at a glance...
Juniper Hill Observatory
Köfering, Bavaria 12° 12’ E 48°56’ N 344m N.N.
NGC 2237 (Rosette nebula)
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