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Copernicus is one of the biggest craters on the moon, with a diameter of 93km. The depth of this crater is 3800m, whereas the central mountains on the
ground of Copernicus reach a height of approximately 1 to 1.2km. The crater shows nearly no signs of erosion, which leads to the conclusion, that it is
one of the youngest impact events on the moon‘s surface.
24.03.2021 / March, 24th, 2021
Optik / Scope:
6“ f/8 Lanthanum Apochromatic Refractor
Televue 2.5x Powermate, f(equ)=3m
ASI224MC CMOS color Camera @80fps
940 frames stacked
Image processing:
Wavelet sharpening, slight denoising and contrast enhancement.
Autostakkert, Registax, Photoshop CC
The Universe at a glance...
Köfering, Bavaria
12° 12’ E
48°56’ N
344m N.N.