The three craters Archimedes (83km) with Archimedes T (3km) , Aristillus (55km) and Autolycus (40km). Rima Hadley and Rimae Fresnel can also clearly be seen. Left above Archimedes, Montes Spitzbergen can be seen in Mare Imbrium, reaching heights of up to 1410mtrs. Right to Archimedes, the crescent shaped ghost crater Spuur with a diameter of 13km can be seen. Smallest structures in this image are appx. 1km in diameter.
190mm Maksutov-Newton, f(equiv)=2.5m
Datum/Date: 02.04.2020 / April 2nd, 2020 Optik / Scope: 7,5” Maksutov Newtonian Astrograph f/5.3 Amplification: Televue 2.5x Powermate, f(equ)=2.5m Sensor/CCD: ASI178MM CMOS-Camera @40fps Belichtung/Exposure: 250 frames stacked Image processing: Wavelet sharpening, slight denoising and contrast enhancement. Software: Autostakkert, Registax, Photoshop CCC
The Universe at a glance...
Juniper Hill Observatory
Köfering, Bavaria 12° 12’ E 48°56’ N 344m N.N.
Archimedes, Autolycus, Aristillus
Lichter sollen am Himmelsgewölbe sein, um Tag und Nacht zu scheiden!